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Intentional Moments

  • Sometimes reflection is good, to look back several years to a decade and recall your special moments, achievements or even challenges.  I think since 2014, my life has been a little out of balance and as I keep trying to get it back, I find that I seem to fall into the same habits which is being busy everyday and not paying attention to the moments I'm missing either with family, friends, nature or my pets.

    The other day, in the morning, by happy accident, an unexpected rain shower arrived in full spring rain regalia.  I decided that even though I really had a lot to do, I would take an intentional moment and take in this rain shower for the gift that it was as I wanted to hear the rain droplets coming off of the roof, the rain taping the windows in my room and seeing the new grass that was suddenly popping up to welcome spring.  I opened the back door from my bedroom, and stood at the doorway what seemed to be awhile, but it really wasn't, it was just five minutes or more, to just stop the world and take a moment by enhancing my senses, hearing nature as birds were flying around and watching the ground soaking up the rain.  Do you know what happened during this moment in time?  There were actually about five to seven cardinals that flew in to one of our trees in our backyard.  I've never seen so many cardinals at once.  I think, at that moment, I was supposed to be there to experience nature, the beauty of a simple moment and take a healthy break from my "to do" list.

    I can look back at so many years that I was busy, and I can see how it happens.  While you are doing something, you are thinking of other things you have to do or working out issues in your head, rather than realizing the moment you are in may be one to remember.  I thought I'd share these thoughts, as there's nothing more precious than your family, friends, pets and what's in your world.  I'm going to try to have more intentional moments were I'm not going to be thinking about so much at once, and choose to be aware of the moment and place that I'm in because I don't want to miss something special.

    Carpe Diem!


  • Techi Jedi Great post and inspiration for us all. <3
  • Mark Ransome Nice article, it brings me back to the quote you liked on my website about being in the present, and yes appreciate the little things in life, however little that gives us a little joyable break in our busy days! "Be conscious of the future but not...  more
  • Web Diva Techi Jedi Thank you!
  • Web Diva Mark Ransome Awww...yes, the Star Wars quote, perfect!