Power of Music » Music » Fukkireta 吹っ切れた full ver. 10 hours

Fukkireta 吹っ切れた full ver. 10 hours

Posted by Techi Jedi
Fukkireta 吹っ切れた full ver. 10 hours
Posted February 25, 2023 - Filed in Music - #fun 
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  • Web Diva and Mark Ransome like this
  • Web Diva They must have written v.10 hours in the title by mistake during translation ....can you imagine 10 hours
  • Mark Ransome Good song but no, not for 10 hours, could be mistaken for torture! lol
  • Web Diva I can remember when I was "much" younger listening to new songs over and over and over though...until I had the lyrics completely memorized
  • Techi Jedi Yeah the video was titled by the person who posted it on Youtube. I tend to leave the video and description as it is when it is imported.I would have tagged you Mark, but we were not friends yet when I wrote this comment and so I could not tag you lol....  more