The World Economic Forum (WEF) of German economist Klaus Schwab has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. The WEF is said to be merely a forum for the exchange of ideas and networking, but at the very least the perception has arisen that many government decisions are related to the ideological objectives of the WEF and stem from agreements made within the WEF.
You will likely have to translate this link into English. Adding this link for informational purposes only about the WEF. Have you ever heard of the WEF?
The World Economic Forum (WEF) of German economist Klaus Schwab has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. The WEF is said to be merely a forum for the exchange of ideas and networking, but at the very least the perception has arisen that many government decisions are related to the ideological objectives of the WEF and stem from agreements made within the WEF.
You will likely have to translate this link into English. Adding this link for informational purposes only about the WEF. Have you ever heard of the WEF?
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