[Controversial Topic] America is one of the nations that allows the possession of arms, of course under varied circumstances, laws, and some state laws vary from each other, as well.
The Second Amendment says:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
America has has two mass murder's this week, one in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at a club, and the other, last night at a Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia. There are many arguments on both sides for some kind of gun laws. I'm well aware of all of them because each side has validation to the argument.
"I'd rather be around a good guy with a gun then a bad guy".
"It's the gun that killed not the person".
"It's mental illness".
"If you take away the guns, then you will be killed by knives or other means of a weapon or projectile".
"If you take away the guns from the good guys, the bad guys will still have the guns and the good people won't be able to protect themselves anymore".
"Ghost guns".
"If you take away the guns we won't have mass shootings anymore".
"Regulate the guns, set up universal/national registration".
"No one needs an AR-15"
"Why would anyone need an assault weapon"?
"Age restrictions are needed; no one under 21 should have access to a rifle". (Uvalde, Texas)
The list goes on. So how do we fix this?
[Controversial Topic] America is one of the nations that allows the possession of arms, of course under varied circumstances, laws, and some state laws vary from each other, as well.
The Second Amendment says:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
America has has two mass murder's this week, one in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at a club, and the other, last night at a Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia. There are many arguments on both sides for some kind of gun laws. I'm well aware of all of them because each side has validation to the argument.
"I'd rather be around a good guy with a gun then a bad guy".
"It's the gun that killed not the person".
"It's mental illness".
"If you take away the guns, then you will be killed by knives or other means of a weapon or projectile".
"If you take away the guns from the good guys, the bad guys will still have the guns and the good people won't be able to protect themselves anymore".
"Ghost guns".
"If you take away the guns we won't have mass shootings anymore".
"Regulate the guns, set up universal/national registration".
"No one needs an AR-15"
"Why would anyone need an assault weapon"?
"Age restrictions are needed; no one under 21 should have access to a rifle". (Uvalde, Texas)
The list goes on. So how do we fix this?
A landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision on the Second Amendment is upending gun laws across the country, dividing judges and sowing confusion over what firearm restrictions can remain on the books.
The decision opened the door to a wave of legal challenges from gun-rights activists who saw an opportunity to undo laws on everything from age limits to AR-15-style semi-automatic weapons. For gun rights supporters, the Bruen decision was a welcome development that removed what they see as unconstitutional restraints on Second Amendment rights.
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