Kanye West Tells Alex Jones He Sees 'Good Things About Hitler' In Bizarre Interview

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    December 3, 2022 2:36 PM CST


    [Controversial Topic] Kanye West Tells Alex Jones He Sees 'Good Things About Hitler' In Bizarre Interview

    During an appearance on Infowars on Thursday with white nationalist Nick Fuentes, the rapper defended Hitler after Jones tried to minimize Ye’s antisemitism by saying “You’re not Hitler, you’re not a Nazi, you don’t deserve to be called that and demonized.”

    In response, Ye felt obliged to defend the man responsible for millions of deaths during World War II by extolling the German dictator’s “value.”

    Kenya "Ye" West has been dominating headlines with his antisemitism remarks; very shocking. Kenya would do well to revisit the history of Nazi Germany, Hitler and the atrocities to humanity.