Nipah is a rare but serious bat-borne virus that can cause fever, vomiting and respiratory infections in humans. Severe cases can involve seizures and encephalitis – inflammation of the brain –and result in a coma.
The virus has a fatality rate between 40-75%, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It has no known vaccine, and the usual treatment is to provide supportive care.
The first of the Nipah virus was in 1988. If this virus is not contained this time, it could be a very deadly pandemic, to wit the WHO has recognized as a very deadly virus which requires the strictest of containment.
More than 600 cases of Nipah virus human infections were reported between 1998 to 2015, according to WHO data.
Two early outbreaks in India killed more than 50 people before they were brought under control.
Nipah is a rare but serious bat-borne virus that can cause fever, vomiting and respiratory infections in humans. Severe cases can involve seizures and encephalitis – inflammation of the brain –and result in a coma.
The virus has a fatality rate between 40-75%, according to the World [url=]Health[/url] Organization (WHO). It has no known vaccine, and the usual treatment is to provide supportive care. [/quote]
The first of the Nipah virus was in 1988. If this virus is not contained this time, it could be a very deadly pandemic, to wit the WHO has recognized as a very deadly virus which requires the strictest of containment. [quote]
More than 600 cases of Nipah virus human infections were reported between 1998 to 2015, according to WHO data.
Two early outbreaks in India killed more than 50 people before they were brought under control.
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