Understanding The Global Supply Of Water

  • Leader
    July 28, 2023 9:21 AM CDT
    Have you ever really thought about our endless water supply and is it really endless? Charts, maps and graphs in this article, including the comparison of usage of water from country to country.

    How Much Water Do We Have?

    Many people know that more than 70% of the Earth’s surface is water. That’s 326 million trillion gallons of water, yet humanity still faces a tight supply. Why is that? It’s because 97% of this water is saline and unfit for consumption. Of the remaining 3% of freshwater, about two-thirds are locked away in the form of snow, glaciers, and polar ice caps. Meanwhile, just under a third of freshwater is found in fast-depleting groundwater resources. That leaves just 1% of global freshwater as “easily” sourced supply from rainfall as well as freshwater reservoirs including rivers and lakes. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/understanding-global-supply-water