The powerful eavesdropping program that enables some of that intelligence gathering is due to lapse at the end of the year. To persuade Congress to renew the program, Biden administration officials had been debating whether to declassify intelligence formally to show how the tool protects the U.S. The alleged leaker might have forced the issue. />
Twitter and social media platform Discord have various policies that might have
prompted them to remove the leaked Pentagon documents that Biden administration officials say revealed key information about U.S. intelligence gathering operations.
But gray areas in those rules and uneven enforcement of them make it unclear how, or even if, executives at those companies would decide to remove them.
As of Saturday, Twitter continued to host tweets with the Pentagon’s documents, some of which had been up since at least Wednesday. There is no indication that Elon Musk, who bought Twitter nearly six months ago, will take any action against the tweets with the classified documents.
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