Jerry Jones Is Pushing For Big Move In Texas

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    January 16, 2023 9:41 AM CST

    Look: Jerry Jones Is Pushing For Big Move In Texas

    Jerry Jones Is Pushing For Big Move In Texas ( Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys is now pushing for sports legalized gambling. “Well, I think it’s really a thing that needs to be addressed at this time,” Jones said on 103.5 The Fan on Friday. “One of the reasons why I think it does is because it’s happening at this time. There’s a huge amount of gaming going on in and around sports at this time. And, so, to have all of the benefits or all of the control over it, it needs to be recognized and parameters put on it and discipline put in it. Then, also the benefits that go, can go in Texas, could adhere to the right kind of people, or some property tax. Certainly help educate our great state’s children. All of those things can be enhanced by something that’s presently going on in a big, big way.” My answer to this is; No more property tax increases. Our property taxes are among the highest taxes in the US.