If you have a classic car, it appears that if the powers that be have their way, you will no longer be able to register your classic car, nor will your classic car's emission testing be grandfathered since most cars that are classic now, did not have to meet the emission standards of today.
Traditionally, classic (and “antique”) cars registered as such are exempt from “emissions testing.” This saves their owners the hassle – as well as the money – that attends having to pass “smog check” as a condition of being granted registration (which isn’t granted, actually; rather it is another thing people are forced to pay for in order to be allowed to legally use their vehicles.
New cars are having issues too with emmission testing.
New cars are having a tough time reducing their C02 “emissions” as the only way to do that is by reducing the size of their engines. Old cars can’t do that. They “emit” what they “emit,” insofar as C02 “emissions.” So the legerdemain will be to enact regulations requiring them to “emit” less, which they can’t.
And be denied registration on account of that.
What's your opinion on classic cars or older cars built under different standards. Should there be an exception for older vehicles to be allowed on the road, or should these cars be banned from the road?
[size= 14pt; font-family: times new roman, times, serif]If you have a classic car, it appears that if the powers that be have their way, you will no longer be able to register your classic car, nor will your classic car's emission testing be grandfathered since most cars that are classic now, did not have to meet the emission standards of today.[/size]
[quote] [size= 14pt; font-family: times new roman, times, serif]Traditionally, classic (and “antique”) cars registered as such are exempt from “emissions testing.” This saves their owners the hassle – as well as the money – that attends having to pass “smog check” as a condition of being granted registration (which isn’t [i]granted[/i], actually; rather it is another thing people are forced to[i] pay for[/i] in order to be allowed to legally use their vehicles.[/size] [/quote]
New cars are having issues too with emmission testing.
New cars are having a tough time reducing their C02 “emissions” as the only way to do that is by reducing the size of their engines. Old cars can’t do that. They “emit” what they “emit,” insofar as C02 “emissions.” So the legerdemain will be to enact regulations requiring them to “emit” less, which they can’t.
And be denied registration on account of that.
What's your opinion on classic cars or older cars built under different standards. Should there be an exception for older vehicles to be allowed on the road, or should these cars be banned from the road?
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