Europe Braces for mobile network blackouts.

  • Leader
    October 5, 2022 6:59 PM CDT

    Exclusive: Europe braces for mobile network blackouts

    Once unthinkable, mobile phones could go dark around Europe this winter if power cuts or energy rationing knocks out parts of the mobile networks across the region.

    Russia's decision to halt gas supplies via Europe's key supply route in the wake of the Ukraine conflict has increased the chances of power shortages. In France, the situation is made worse by several nuclear power plants shutting down for maintenance.

    I saw this on Reuters the other day about the possibility of mobile network blackouts in Europe this winter. I can't imagine this happening. The doom and gloom is bad enough, but cell phones are the one life line that keeps people connected and offers a certain amount of security on so many levels. I hope this does not happen because of power cuts and energy rationing.  One wonder's if the US could expect some black out issues too this winter, since we are supporting Europe with energy needs.