How our polluted environment affects food recources for Humans and Animals

  • Leader
    March 9, 2023 10:34 AM CST
    If you are not familiar with glyphosate, here's the reality and why it's so dangerous to be in your food: />
    Glyphosate’s primary use involves killing weeds, but it was first patented as a metal chelator (remover)because it binds to minerals (like calcium) to clear them out of pipes.That’s great for pipes, but not for people who need essential minerals to stay strong and healthy.

    The herbicide also causes a devastating impact on our internal ecosystem. It kills off beneficial bacteria (probiotics) while giving dangerous pathogens a competitive edge. Research indicates that glyphosate creates and speeds up antibiotic resistance.

    The below link to Natural News did a recent lab study on chicken animal feed from the US company Tractor Supply. Tractor supply provides equipment and feed for local hobby or producing farmers. The reason why Natural News purchased 6 different brands of chicken pellet feed both organic and non organic was to determine if there was an issue with the feed because so many customers were complaining that there hens were not laying eggs anymore and blaming the feed from the Tractor Supply store for this new issue.

    I thought the afflatoxin results were interesting per each bag tested. Even the organic feed still had some glyphosate, and I'm not surprised. It's well known that glyphosate is in the air and organic farms still catch the glyphosate from non-organic farms. They also tested in their independent lab for heavy metals, and raw materials for microbiology.

    Link to Natural News chicken feed lab results: />

    As background, we own and operate our own ISO-accredited (17025) mass spec laboratory and conduct over 10,000 tests each year for heavy metals, aflatoxins, glyphosate, raw materials identity and microbiological contamination (e.coli, salmonella, etc.). To my knowledge, our lab conducts more food safety testing than any other non-governmental organization in the world. We routinely test all our raw materials and finished products that are offered at, where customers know they are purchasing clean, lab tested and certified organic products for health and personal care.