Life events that are funny!

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    • 388 posts
    May 23, 2022 5:28 PM CDT

    Most messed up day!! I arrived at my ophthalmologist appointment, 15 minutes early, as I always do, because I like to get there before all of the seniors arrive for the over booked 1pm appointments. I've been going to this doctor for 12 years or more, can't remember long I have this all down on when to arrive, etc. I arrive, and I'm walking down the hallway, and I see my doctor ahead of me. Her back door/office door is open. I politely nod to her and proceed to the patient door that's always locked until that magic 1pm time, then the seniors rush in to sign in, but they can't match me because I'm still faster than them...(no disrespected meant, this is supposed to be a comical moment) while I'm waiting near the locked door, my doctor begins to yell for her staff. I then hear panic in her voice and she calls security. After having a discussion with security and obviously frantic, she then calls the police and exclaims that her office was broken into, while counting the number of computers in her front office. Well, while she's still on the phone, she leans out the door, remembering that I'm patiently waiting and of course I’m eavesdropping on all of this.  I'm sorry, who wouldn't, be honest....She then tells me that they are closed because she’s getting over covid. Okay, that's alright...I'll pause for a moment while you process that.......still pausing.....yeah, you figured out how bogus her comment was to me, didn’t you?  She’s all masked up and proceeds to tell me everyone was called and told the office would be closed.  Here’s the funny part.  I was called this past Thursday, by a real person to confirm my Monday appointment.  That’s okay….I’ll pause again…pausing…you got it … are you recovering from Covid?  Why didn’t you cancel my appointment Thursday in the first place? The big one…and if you are recovering from Covid, then why are you here at the hospital….why aren’t you quarantine? 

    This post was edited by Web Diva at May 23, 2022 9:35 PM CDT
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    February 13, 2023 9:11 AM CST

    Oh, just an update to that above post, I found another doctor.  Trust is a big thing to me, and that little debacle kind of ruined my trust in that doctor.


    So, since this thread is about "life events that are funny", here's a recent life event, like last night, not funny at the time but now it it's super funny.

    Things not do do in the evening include, do not do an oil treatment on your hair in the evening and expect to sleep through the night like that......I'll let that settle in a bit and I'm not going to share any more detail except that I was washing the oil out at 3am.

    • 47 posts
    December 5, 2023 1:44 PM CST
    Web Diva said:

    Most messed up day!! I arrived at my ophthalmologist appointment, 15 minutes early, as I always do, because I like to get there before all of the seniors arrive for the over booked 1pm appointments. I've been going to this doctor for 12 years or more, can't remember long I have this all down on when to arrive, etc. I arrive, and I'm walking down the hallway, and I see my doctor ahead of me. Her back door/office door is open. I politely nod to her and proceed to the patient door that's always locked until that magic 1pm time, then the seniors rush in to sign in, but they can't match me because I'm still faster than them...(no disrespected meant, this is supposed to be a comical moment) while I'm waiting near the locked door, my doctor begins to yell for her staff. I then hear panic in her voice and she calls security. After having a discussion with security and obviously frantic, she then calls the police and exclaims that her office was broken into, while counting the number of computers in her front office. Well, while she's still on the phone, she leans out the door, remembering that I'm patiently waiting and of course I’m eavesdropping on all of this.  I'm sorry, who wouldn't, be honest....She then tells me that they are closed because she’s getting over covid. Okay, that's alright...I'll pause for a moment while you process that.......still pausing.....yeah, you figured out how bogus her comment was to me, didn’t you?  She’s all masked up and proceeds to tell me everyone was called and told the office would be closed.  Here’s the funny part.  I was called this past Thursday, by a real person to confirm my Monday appointment.  That’s okay….I’ll pause again…pausing…you got it … are you recovering from Covid?  Why didn’t you cancel my appointment Thursday in the first place? The big one…and if you are recovering from Covid, then why are you here at the hospital….why aren’t you quarantine? 

    Super messed up, people have no respect for others anymore it seems like sometimes! 

    • 47 posts
    December 5, 2023 1:46 PM CST
    Web Diva said:

    Oh, just an update to that above post, I found another doctor.  Trust is a big thing to me, and that little debacle kind of ruined my trust in that doctor.


    So, since this thread is about "life events that are funny", here's a recent life event, like last night, not funny at the time but now it it's super funny.

    Things not do do in the evening include, do not do an oil treatment on your hair in the evening and expect to sleep through the night like that......I'll let that settle in a bit and I'm not going to share any more detail except that I was washing the oil out at 3am.

    Yeah you have to be careful how much oil you put on if you're going to sleep in it overnight, I find if you do just a very small amount, it can be fine. It shouldn't be enough that it would get on your pillow, otherwise its just too much. 

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    December 9, 2023 10:16 AM CST

    I actually had forgotten I posted my experience at the ophthalmologist's office. That happened over a year and a half ago.  Wow, time flies!