How to Tell When It’s Time to Quit Your Job to Protect Your Mental Health

    • Moderator
    • 389 posts
    October 11, 2023 4:24 PM CDT

    How many of us have struggled with staying in a job far too longer than we should have because of the security of the paycheck, but knowing the mental drain of the job was quickly sucking the life out of you.  Here's a short article on some questions to ask yourself as you may be going through that process.  We've all been there.

    It goes without saying that protecting your mental health at work is incredibly important – not only do we spend a large portion of our time at work, but the emotional impact of our working lives can take its toll on our personal lives, too. And that’s why it’s important to know when it’s time to call quits in order to put your mental health first.

    • 78 posts
    November 16, 2023 8:33 AM CST

    I can relate to this. Sometimes it's hard to leave the clients behind. After spending many years helping, thinking of leaving them behind is hard. The best time was when a client said that I'm mom to them all. How do you just leave that behind?

    But, sometimes the emotional abuse from the company is too hard to take.

    This post was edited by Techi Jedi at November 16, 2023 8:33 AM CST
    • Moderator
    • 389 posts
    November 18, 2023 4:16 PM CST

    Me too.  Back in my early years of working in property management, this business was still dominated by male managers and most took advantage of women out in the field as leasing agents, assistant managers and managers.  There was a lot of manipulation and inappropriate behavior to have to confront and sometimes you didn't know when it was coming and would be alone.  I was so glad to get out of that business.

    I also understand how hard it is to leave behind people that count on you, that you were their rock and just helping them was so special beyond words.  How wonderful your client was to honor you with being called "mom" to all.  I hope you are still in touch with some of those special people.

    Emotional abuse, yes, indeed and it will wear you done in a lot of ways. I'm sorry you went through all of that with employer over lords that treated you so bad. You are too nice of a person, very special and shouldn't have ever been treated poorly in any way.   Once I left the property management business I was finally free of that and my dh was also glad that I was no longer associated with that world.  When I left, I started a new job and in a new field, where someone gave me a chance to learn and grow.  I also took a huge salary loss and accepted being paid half of what I was making in the property business.  It was worth it to sleep at night and not have to deal with bad people.  Working for the dentist that took a chance in hiring me, turned out to be my best job except for the bossy prima donna hygienist.

    This post was edited by Web Diva at November 18, 2023 4:20 PM CST