Is Aloe Vera Toxic?

    • Moderator
    • 389 posts
    July 28, 2023 9:16 AM CDT

    Aloe Vera has been added to the WHO list as toxic/carcinogenic.  Now on the same list as lead welding, fumes and engine exhaust.  I think I'm going to watch the studies in progress on the Aloe Vera plant.  There are so many people that ingest Aloe Vera for health reasons.  I even have it in my refrigerator, but have always been hesitant.  It's used a lot in skin care too.

    However, there may be reason for caution if you intend to consume it, rather than just rub it on the skin. There is some evidence that a specific component of aloe – the yellow liquid sap found inside the leaves, between the outer 'rind' and inner pulp, known as aloe vera latex – could cause problems if eaten.

    • 47 posts
    November 21, 2023 11:52 AM CST

    Interesting on the Aloe Vera, but it sounds like they need a lot more proper studies and evidence to definitively prove it. I do find it amusing however that they finally added aspartame to the, "may" cause cancer category, when for years those who were wary of it based on studies showing this in the past, were considered paranoid and unfounded in their concerns. They always change their mind a few years down the road :p

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    • 389 posts
    December 9, 2023 10:26 AM CST

    It is interesting, as like you say, give it time and they will figure out what we already know as we don't have an agenda driving our decisions.

    We use knowledge as power and the more you study with an unbiased view, the better your results will be to make better decisions. 

    • 47 posts
    December 21, 2023 12:48 AM CST
    Web Diva said:

    It is interesting, as like you say, give it time and they will figure out what we already know as we don't have an agenda driving our decisions.

    We use knowledge as power and the more you study with an unbiased view, the better your results will be to make better decisions. 

    I totally agree. Bias is certainly not good in health of all things. 

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    • 389 posts
    January 13, 2024 10:34 AM CST
    Alexis Bello said:
    Web Diva said:

    It is interesting, as like you say, give it time and they will figure out what we already know as we don't have an agenda driving our decisions.

    We use knowledge as power and the more you study with an unbiased view, the better your results will be to make better decisions. 

    I totally agree. Bias is certainly not good in health of all things. 

    The world of science and nutrition would expand in many different areas without the restraints of an agenda or bias to begin with.  Cholesterol is one of those topics that took on a different course because of manipulated trials.

    • 47 posts
    February 1, 2024 1:19 PM CST
    Web Diva said:
    Alexis Bello said:
    Web Diva said:

    It is interesting, as like you say, give it time and they will figure out what we already know as we don't have an agenda driving our decisions.

    We use knowledge as power and the more you study with an unbiased view, the better your results will be to make better decisions. 

    I totally agree. Bias is certainly not good in health of all things. 

    The world of science and nutrition would expand in many different areas without the restraints of an agenda or bias to begin with.  Cholesterol is one of those topics that took on a different course because of manipulated trials.

    For sure, the removal of bias, manipulation, and lobbying on health, and related medical studies thereof, would result in much more accurate information that would help those who truly need it. For sure on cholesterol, the topic has taken quite a turn in modern day studies.

    This post was edited by Alexis Bello at February 1, 2024 1:20 PM CST
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    • 389 posts
    March 17, 2024 10:49 AM CDT

    I keep forgetting to try some aloe vera in a small dose.